Imagine a world where you can be who you want to be. Gender-just and violence-free societies where young women and men can live in their full diversity. It’s possible. But it requires a big change. Generation G seeks to make this change. Generation Gender is a multi-country program and partnership funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Young people are at the heart of the program, as catalysts for change and as a key target group. The partnership involves Rutgers International and a consortium composed of Equimundo, Sonke Gender Justice and ABAAD.
The consortium coordinates the efforts of 7 national coalitions made of local civil society organizations operating in different countries, including Rwanda, Uganda, South Africa, Morocco, Lebanon, Giordania and Indonesia. In Rwanda, the Gen G coalition includes the Rwanda Men’s Resource centre (RWAMREC), Health Development Initiative (HDI) and the African Youth and Adolescent Network (AfriYAN). The Gen G Rwanda coalition has been working closely with young people and youth-led organizations to challenge the root causes of gender based violence and to promote gender justice, through gender transformative training activities, youth-led advocacy initiatives, engagement of different duty bearers, intergenerational dialogues, peer to peer debates online and offline both at the national level and at at the local level . With a network of motivated and skilled young gender advocates and with a strengthened civil society, it is possible to influence policy change and implementation, as well as to create public support for gender justice.
The pathways and long-term objectives for Generation Gender in Rwanda reflect the global Theory of Change and include:
1. Public support: A growing number of young men and women are mobilised to promote gender justice and prevent GBV on and offline in Rwanda.
2. Policy change: Gender machineries and other high level government institutions are open and positively adhere to feedback from CSOs and communities for gender transformative and youth-inclusive policies and laws.
3. Civil society strengthening: Rwandan civil society has increased understanding of policy formulation mechanisms and using evidence to act as effective monitors and advocates for gender justice, gender transformative and youth inclusive laws and policies.
The work of Generation G Rwanda intends also to reflect the global program principles which are:
Gender Transformative Approach (GTA), Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation (MIYP), Inclusiveness, Do no Harm and Accountability.