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This study provides a baseline situation on GBV in 13 selected districts of Rwanda. The

study was commissienned by four civil society Organizations, namely RWAMREC, RWN,

AJEPRODHO and working on GBV under a financial support of NPA. The study was

necessary to inform future interventions in the context of GBV Program.

The study resorted to both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The methodology had

four attributes. It was participatory, human rights-based, gender sensitive, with appreciative

Inquiry as the guiding approach. It used triangulated methods, including literature review,

questionnaire, key informant interviews and focussed group discussions.

The broad key finding is that while Rwanda has made commendable progress in the fight

against GBV, the phenomenon is still prevalent in the country. The other key findings are as

follows :

The awareness on GBV is high : above 78% of all respondents know GBV in its

various forms ;

This awareness is confirmed by the meaning that respondents give to GBV. In their

words, GBV encompasses the following : discrimination based on one’s sex, power

imbalance in decision-making between men and women, unjust labor division

between men and women, sexual abuse, beating and other force-based violence and

economic deprivation ;

Off all respondents, 72.9% said GBV exists in their respectives communities ;

As regards its magnitude, GBV is described as a « very serious issue ». Indeed, 70.9%

respondents have witnessed a case of GBV in the last 12 months ;

Among these, sexual abuse and hitting emerged as the top two forms of GBV that

respondents heard of or witnessed in the last 12 months (58.6% and 38.5 %

respectively). However, when it comes to perceptions (not witness), this order slighly

changes hitting becoming the first and sexual abuse second (39.5% and 37.3%

respectively), which confirm that these two forms of GBV are dominant. These

types of GBV along with the economic deprivation are also perceived as the most

frequent ;

Due to huge gaps at the family and community level in terms of prevention of GBV,

Children are at higher risk of sexual abuse than adults. Of all respondents, 31 %

declared having heard of cases of children sexual abuse in the last 12 months ;

Women constitute the majority of victims of spousal murder (59.7%), while men are

are the majority among spousal poisoning (81.1%) and suicide (67.2%) ;

20.7% of all respondents have had personal experience of GBV in the last 12

months. Results from the study show that women and girls are six times at risk of

GBV compared with men and boys. Personal experience confirms that sexual abuse,

hitting and economic deprivation are the most dominant forms of GBV in Rwanda ;

With respect to characteristic of the residence, the study results show that

rape/sexual violence in general and deprivation from resources are higher in rural

settings (respectively 58.2% and 10.2%) than in urban areas (54.7% and 9%

respectively). Conversely hitting and insults and intimidations are slightly higher in

urban areas than in rural ones ;

In terms of place, home is the common place for acts of GBV among adults with

83.2% and 51% for children. The level of child abuse in the street significantly

increases from 1.9% among adults to 26.5% among children ;

In the majority of cases, GBV is perpetrated by intimate partners (41.4%) and

neighbors (21.2%).

GBV reporting is still low : only 10% of all sexual abuse victims declared having

reported it to one or another institution/structure. Disturbing is also the number of

GBV victims (all forms considered) who did nothing after being victimized : 38%.

Among the discouraging reasons are respectively the feeling that nothing will be

done after reporting (36.7%), the fear of stigma (18.7%) and dependence of victims

to perpetrators (16.9%) ;

Despite Rwanda’s amenability to international standards on gender equality,

standards are not matched by local standards and practice. Indeed, for cultural

reasons, some males still abuse inheritance rights of women and girls. Female

represent cumulatively about 70% of victims of land rights violation ;

For respondents, the direct causes of GBV are respectively limited knowledge of law

and rights (23.9%), alcoholism (23.5%), persistence of negative cultural beliefs on

gender (21.4%) and dependence by victim to the perpetrator (7.2%). At the structural

level, patriarchy is seen as the main cause of GBV in Rwanda.


◁ baseline study on gbv

◁ rwamrec policy brief flyer


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